A cute way of asking someone for sex.
Christy: "Who's my good gurl? ;)"

Madelyn: "Woof meeeeee 🐶"

Christy: "Okaay finee, I'll be right over"
by Stingy444 June 20, 2022
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Woof means to get going. To do something important. I just got a new watch that was woof.
by Rob run corleone August 27, 2022
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A sound a wolf and other creatures in the canine family can make
by Woof gang March 30, 2022
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911, what a woof
‘What a bunch of woofsters’
by Woofster69420 July 27, 2021
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Something that should have generated a feeling of sadness and deep empathy but turned out to be just funny (e.g. Sandra Bullock barking in Gravity).
She told me her aunt died because she accidentally mixed bleach in her juice... that was a big woof for me.
That was a pretty woofed story. It was hard to hold my laugh...
by anthropolojizzt June 16, 2021
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Like a dog, but more fierce and higher up in the pet social hierarchy. A word pronounced like wolf, but is used whenever your pets (most likely dogs) talk in their special voice.
*Pet Speaking* "I am not a dog, but a woof! Those dogs bow to me whenever I pass."
by ANIMAL_LOVER \_-o-_/ January 14, 2022
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