A word for a completely annoying person whom nobody likes but won't leave people alone. A person who seems to radiate a strong desire of hate towards them.
Matt: She was here a couple of hours ago, man
Ross: Who was?
Matt: You know, waffles.
Ross: Oh THAT thing again!
by Mazzy B March 16, 2009
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The waffle is a large non-solid shit that is produced, often after consuming copious amounts of food, by humans and resembles a Belgian waffle in both appearance, and texture.
Damn he has been in the bathroom for ever “I bet he’s doing the waffle
by Capvara January 2, 2018
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unable to decide on something; moving back and forth between two possible choices.
I'm waffling here, should I get pepporoni or sausage on my pizza?
by frozen August 29, 2004
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1.When one holds hands with another and the fingers of there hands intertwine.

2. Hand sex.
Jill and Bob were waffling on there date
by ljcdslangexpert March 5, 2012
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To be utterly and entirety fucked up beyond belief i.e. drunk, stoned, broken, etc
"Damn man did you see what happened to the bathroom in there?" "Yea the guy who puked was totally Waffled"
by Mutantstache October 17, 2011
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Jenny and Casey made waffles in the shower at the party last night.
by mackanzie December 28, 2007
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To add quantity to conversation/speeches/essays/anything like that rather than quality. Used a lot of the time in school to make it up to the minimum page requirement or in business presentations. Ie. Bullshitting on so nobody notices you have nothing to say.
Teacher: "check out this english paper... this kid is just waffling on"
by blex August 25, 2004
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