When a girl gets fucked by alot of people A.K.A GangBang
by Keith44 June 30, 2009
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we all started clusterfucking to keep warm
by Daria December 18, 2002
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1)A large group of people willingly confined in a small area.

2)A crowd of people trying to file into a room through a doorway at the SAME TIME!!!
1)"Damn, the daily clusterfuck of jocks in the hallway always seems to migrate toward my locker."

2)" Whats with the giant clusterfuck in front of Mrs. Petries Class?"

"Oh that?She's just doing her daily workout with that gay Simmons guy."
by MadxCore August 20, 2008
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When someone parks behind you and blocks everyone from being able to back out of the driveway
by cptmightymouse July 9, 2009
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When something is blown out of proportion. Making a mountain out of a molehill.
It's funny how a simple sneeze can turn into a.... clusterfuck. (That's right bitches, Dane Cook!)
by Munkey341750-413751 June 12, 2007
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(n) the management strategy and architecture utilized by the Edmonton Oilers. It relies heavily on incompetence and ego and downplays traditional values like accountability and heart. To be a true clusterfuck you must be completely devoid of foresight and oblivious to the present situation. You must only focus on successes of at least 25+ years ago as merit for any and all decisions made in the present day.
"Wow, I'm glad our NHL team isn't a clusterfuck like the Oilers."
by Poor Badger December 4, 2014
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The Metal Gear Online beta, offered for download and play by Konami which has now been restricted to Japan only after massive server failure
Dude did you try out the MGO beta?
Nah, twas a clusterfuck of epic proportions
by McTalon April 23, 2008
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