When you go out on a surfboard with many others to watch the sunset from the water. The loser is the first to get attacked by a shark.
Let's get the tourists to come play hawaiian roulette with us.
by Mano707 June 11, 2023
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A frozen banana used for purposes to promote sexual pleasure to oneself or to another by inserting into ones body.
1. "I added bananas to the grocery shopping list so we can try the Hawaiian pipeline tonight"

2. Husband asks: "What's for dessert , hun?"

Wife Replies" "Hawaiian pipelines!"
by BrandyWegal1006 September 6, 2017
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Using a blue flavored pixie stick as an tool when performing masterbation on a female.
While Henrietta and Henry were alone in their bedroom, Henry reached to the side of his bed and grabbed blue flavored pixie sticks and proceeded to perform a blue hawaiian on Henrietta.
by Jonny More Than Meets The gers November 24, 2021
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When you shit into a coconut and then proceed to bang it, bonus points if you draw a face on it.
Dude 1: bro did you here about what Tyler did?
Dude 2: no.
Dude 1: he was having hawaiian monkey sex.
by darknest555 April 12, 2022
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The mini bottle (50 ml) of Jagermeister, stored inside one's pillowcase for when you wake up in the middle of the night and need an extra drink to get back to sleep.
I woke up for a midnight shit and couldn't fall back asleep, so I fished in my pillowcase until I found the Jager, downing the tiny bottle for a little Hawaiian Nightcap.
by Robert Chunks January 10, 2018
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When put rubber bands around a girls tits and you titty fuck her and you launch your load into her nostril(s).
by Chud September 9, 2017
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