35 definitions by Tablecloth_wanker

a HUGE boulder made of opium that is planning to be blown up by bad boy daniels. Once it explodes, everyone will die except for people with the name Stanley. So in conclusion, its a plan to have all of the Stanley's take over and rule the earth.
haven't you heard on the news? opium boulder phase 1 is set to happen tomorrow night!
by Tablecloth_wanker March 23, 2020
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One of the best places to drop off baby organs or your unwanted banana bread.
Hey do you happen to know where I can put my baby liver?
Yea. Bring it down to the oochie highway
by Tablecloth_wanker February 17, 2020
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a pep rally that is attended only by dead bodies withabsolutely no soul
frank and jane went to the carcass pep rally last night. afterwards they drank ethanol
by Tablecloth_wanker March 23, 2020
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a thief who steals glucose from horses using a syringe and hoards it for no apparent use.
Catch him! hes that horse glucose hoarder
by Tablecloth_wanker March 23, 2020
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