The ex-president-elect is the person who conclusively appears to have lost a presidential reelection in the United States, but has yet to leave the White House.
The ex-president-elect Trump continues to Egan to count the number of days until he is evicted from the White House.
by Badasstronaut November 10, 2020
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A disease that affects a person's ability to reason. People with this condition suffer from irrational delusions that a candidate in an upcoming election will "change everything", "keep their promises" and/or "get things done". Other symptoms include, but are not limited to: believing politics is interesting, putting an election bumper sticker on your otherwise valuable automobile, passing out leaflets and yard signs, and actually reading propaganda mail. Outbreaks generally occur in a 4 year pattern coinciding with presidential elections, although extreme cases will lead the victim to feel this way toward all elections down to county level, especially in die-hard partisans. It will affect Democrats and Republicans differently depending on the candidates and election conditions. Positive Election Disease (PED) gained unprecedented media coverage during Barack Obama's 2008 Presidential campaign, marking the worst recorded epidemic of PED in America.

Facts about PED:

PED feeds on bipartisanship.

Lobbyists are naturally resistant to PED.

PED may affect up to 95 percent of partisans during election time, but affects less than a third of all Independents.

Douchebags are 10 times more likely to get PED.

Network news makes it worse.

PED can cause rioting, especially in developing African countries.

PED does affect politicians, but such cases are quickly cured by lobbyists.

During off-years PED survives in San Fransisco.
douchebag: "Barack Obama will bring change to America! He's going to fix the economy and fix healthcare the right way and he's going to get Democrats and Republicans to work together."

registered independent: "Man, you got Positive Election Disease really bad."
by IndependentForever November 2, 2009
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A politician, usually an ultraconservative, fascist Republican, but occasionally an ultraliberal, who pretends to take moderate positions on important political issues during an election year. Once elected, this politician will suddenly forget his or her campaign promises and govern from the fringes.
Election year moderates from the far right: Rick Santorum (latin for Asshole); George W. Bush; from the far left: George McGovern (1972)
by Stop the Pendulum August 10, 2006
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The 2020 Election Steal took place across the United States during the month of November 2020. Designed by the CCP and Leftists to falsely implant a puppet president, the operation involved the manufacturing ballots in favor of one candidate, having ballot watchers removed, then funnelling the counterfeit ballots through compromised Dominion counting systems.
John: What do you think about the 2020 Election Steal?
Nate: Pure conspiracy.

John: .. I think I know who you voted for.
by TheSaltergeist December 26, 2020
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An election with two idiots running for president.
The year is 2060 and your grandchildren ask about the 2016 presidential election.

You: It was an election of two IDIOTS running for president

Grandchildren: Who did you vote for?
You: I was only 12...
You: I also forgot to mention some people thought out of the two running Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, that Hillary was a suitable choice.

Grandchildren: Why'd they think that?

You: Because she was a women.

Grandchildren: What? What does gender have to do with who will be a better president?

You: I never understood that idiotic logic...

Grandchildren: What about the other person ru-

You: You mean Donald Trump?

Grandchildren: Yeah what about him!
You: That guy wanted to build a brick wall along the boarder of Mexico and the United States and he said Mexico would pay for it.
Grandchildren: That seems really weird...

You: Yeah it was, and I haven't even told you what these two did that was so horrible that made them both horrible...

Grandchildren: Tell us!

You: Well that's a story for another time...
by ChrisAGuy July 10, 2020
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Used to describe something that is fake, phony, false, etc.
McDonalds doesn't use real meat in their food, it's like an american election.

by CurvedMirror October 24, 2008
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