When men, at every age, who are infected with the coronavirus are far more likely to die than women, based on the Case Fatality Rate (CFR) of men and women, which is the number of infected cases divided by the number of deaths.
One theory why Covid-19 prefers men to women is the fact that women with two X chromosomes have a more powerful immune system than men, who only have one, and a number of immune genes are only found on the X chromosome.
by Covido November 25, 2020
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The commandment by anti-mask and anti-vaccine clergy to their oft-uncritical or gullible congregations, who trust their pastors more than their doctors.
Some church or cult leaders under the cover of religion or viral protection would push their political agenda, by selfishly warning their members: “Don't trust Covid-19 vaccines.”
by MathPlus April 24, 2021
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WHO’s comforting message to millions of anxious children worldwide about Father Christmas to assure them (without proof) that despite his older age they needn’t worry about his health during this pandemic crisis, as he would be able to deliver their presents on Christmas Eve—however, they are reminded that they and Santa Claus must adhere to physical social distancing and must obey their parents to sleep early on December 24.
Because Santa Claus is immune to Covid-19, WHO confirmed that most countries—except those few nations that forbid Christmas because it is an “infidel” or pagan festival—would relax their quarantine rules to enable Santa and his flying reindeer to enter their airspace, so that he could uninterruptedly and unobstructively deliver the presents before December 25.
by MathPlus December 15, 2020
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The commandment by anti-mask and anti-vaccine clergy to their oft-uncritical or unsuspecting evangelical congregations, who trust their pastors more than their doctors.
Some church leaders under the cover of religion or viral protection would push their political agenda on their members, by warning them: “Don't trust Covid-19 vaccines.”
by MathPlus April 17, 2021
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A hoax apparently perpetrated by the president himself to confuse the electorate, and to trick the “deep state” in the hope of gaining sympathy votes—meanwhile, he will stay away from public eyes lest his fake infection might be detected.
That Trump is Covid-19⁺ might not secure him enough votes, so this is why his diehard supporters are entertaining the morbid thought that if he were to go into a comatose state and made a Boris Johnson-like comeback, the odds of his getting re-elected would then be sky-high.
by Covido October 2, 2020
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When the number of new coronavirus infected cases (local or/and imported) in a country or city is one short of a score.
On December 20, 2020, Singapore experienced a Covid-19(19) phenomenon, which prompted some punters to bet on the alleged lucky 4D number 1919.
by Covido December 20, 2020
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