A hat that has frozen shit that you wear to protect yourself from crack smoking faggots
The shit foil hat will protect you from the zombie civilization that we got going on
by Uncle gubsy June 24, 2022
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New Term.
Just some jackass who won’t just shut up anything and everything.
Is a bother amongst others.
Doesn’t know when to fucking quit.
No quilt nor shame just an annoyance amongst their peers.
This guy keeps bitchin about how he’s been played by some girl who ghosted him on a date. Whining like a girl. Annoying piece of shit, get over it.
by Drago Nino February 6, 2023
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A prominent English grammar teacher at Fenerbahce High School in Istanbul, Turkey created a new meaning of shit down in the 1990's as defined below. Unfortunately, the English-speaking world has known nothing about this contribution. I am very proud to present it here as one of her students. Learn and widely use it, please.

shit down (v):

1) (order) to tell someone to sit down when they fail to answer a question properly.

2) fail to respond a question properly
You couldn't respond the question again. Shit down and next time work hard.
by tatu10c99 March 18, 2021
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shit, bey-bee
noun, plural: shit ba·bies
1. The newborn of a mother that defecates during pregnancy.
2. A terrible person.
1. Oh, my God! Look at my Shit Baby! I'll never eat chili again!
2. I just watched you kick that dog with the cataracts, you Shit Baby!
by infinitybinge November 22, 2018
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A baby born from an asshole, shit babies are called shit babies not because of this, but because they are the shit.
Zach is a Shit Baby! He literally is the shit, man.
by Ispeakthetruth69420 September 20, 2019
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Chinese dish. Commonly used as a swear word. Specifically Ryuta's word.
On time Johnny B cut his finger off, o shit-takkiye!
by tobo4564564 November 21, 2008
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