"Pursue Other Opportunities" - to be downsized, laid off, made redundant -- in a way that looks benign, but actually may be very humiliating
"After 4 years of value service, DJC left the company to pursue other opportunities." In reality, he POO'ed.
by The Bald Eagle May 16, 2011
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what karl likes to eat
karl enjoys poo with a light snack of crumpits
by bob james November 15, 2003
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Something That Comes Out Of Your Bumhole. It Can Also Be Known As Shit
I think i just pooed my pants
by Harpreet August 18, 2007
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A cats litter box, more specifically one with a hood.
The cat took a killer dump in the poo poo room.
by nzyycguy December 7, 2011
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A collective noun for a group of school kids.
There is a poo of Daniels in the library. Oh yes. Yes. Oh Yeah. Funk it up. I am a rapper. Hoof hoof hoof.
by LORD PLOPPINGTON November 18, 2003
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The act of dispensing fecal (sh*t) matter from one's A**HOLE.
I was pooing when i was texting you :)
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