Is a description of an ARK player called Wisearrow that sucks life/energy from a host or stronger creature.

A.K.A TheBummba
Bummba "Wise, want to go farm?"

Wise "yes lets farm"

Bummba will farm as hard as a busy bee, while Wise does nothing and gives his best impression of a parasite then tries to take credit for everything Bummba has done. Not only does he do this with Bummba but everyone because hes a selfish (lady part)

Wise "I farmed all this today on my own look at how much i've done!"
by Thebummba March 4, 2018
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In DayZ - A person dressed in full military gear, has at least two fully kitted automatic rifles, doesn't speak to you, dances around infront of you like he has ants in his pants, asks you at least five times if you have any 55.6 to trade and tells you that he is a soldier. When asked, doesn't know what an MOS is and proceeds to ask you for ammunition before sprinting off into the horizon, never to be seen again until you restock your tents.
Wow, that guy's a fucking parasite. All he wanted was ammo for his five guns.
by RoryDayZRP September 21, 2017
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Someone that keeps spamming the chat with "add me" or similar messages.
New Player: add me
S0m30n3: Okay everyone, here's how you block parasites...
by RavensFlight April 18, 2019
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A man who is clingy or possessive of his partner.
Jenny’s got a parasite and she couldn’t get rid of him!
by AntToeKnee Sapp May 3, 2023
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This is an individual who enjoys the art of ass kissing,ass sucking, brown nosing.
That individual has been in his ass so long as a rectal parasite their DNA's have become one.
by Oseola February 22, 2011
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same to semi-basement flats
'Parasite-style' flats are to be banned after deaths

-From BBC
by Leo WU August 12, 2022
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