How you feel the next at work day from binge watching something on Netflix.
I've dropped five service calls so far this morning; I'm a real Netflix zombie today from binge watching "Fringe" until two in the morning on Netflix.
by InFromTheCold July 13, 2015
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A person who is using a legacy bank that limits what they're allowed to invest in to save for retirement.
Hal almost lost his entire 401(k) to fees because he forgot to roll it over when he switched jobs, he's a retirement zombie!
by Retired Satoshi September 25, 2023
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when you have some really bad munchies
I just smoked a fat blunt. the munchies hit so hard I'm feeling some mad zombie hunger
by sk8ermex November 18, 2016
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a popular tower defense game from 2009 that EA bought and ruined, for one the first game is free and is also full of ads now on mobile and then theres pvz 2 and pvz 3, pvz 2 was an alright game but it was filled with microtransactions but from what pvz 3 looks like pvz 2 looks fine, pvz 3 is a tower defense game just like the others but the art style sucks in most people opinions because it uses a mixture of 3d and 2d at the same time and also most likely going to have microtransactions and the peashooter oh god what did they do to him
person 1: "hey bro ever heard of Plants VS Zombies?"
person 2: "yeah, why?"
person 1:"dont get excited for PVZ 3 it looks garbage :)"
by OrdinaryJoe March 1, 2022
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Probably the coolest Scooby Doo movie ever produced. The internet will likely argue however that Scooby Doo 2 was much better however. I argue that Scooby Doo: Zombie Island had the most bad ass zombies ever and if you haven't seen those Confederate zombies, you're missing out. Call of Duty only wishes their zombies were this fucking cool.
Scooby Doo: Zombie Island was the first movie that might've legitimately scarred little kidsfor life. If that doesn't sound like it did it's job then I don't know what will.
by SeriousManMan December 28, 2017
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