The most unfortunate name ever for a Trolley.

It exists but has had its name change to South Lake Union Ground Transit. (the SLUGT just isn't the same)
Person 1: Hey, Im gonna go ride the South Lake Union Transit

Person 2: Don't you mean your going to ride the SLUT?

Person 1: T_T
by Juju Kun April 7, 2009
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A general noncey guy who likes to touch children and their armpits. Often could be a child trying to sexually harass ladies.
“That Ollie is such a transit white van man, he’s always trying to touch me.” said Evie to Tamzin.
by 69ordoggystyle August 10, 2019
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The transitive butt property states that: the dumbness of someone's butt is equal to or greater than the dumbness of that person's head.
by lunar April 4, 2003
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When a male singer under the age of 18 sings about love and happiness and cute girls and living happily ever after hits 18, and starts to sing very sexual songs, cusses and has sex multiple times, usually after a very shocking/traumatic event that headlines the news for weeks.
1. Tammy(16yo): Oh my gosh I love Justin Bieber!!!!!!!!! He's so amazing, his lyrics are so thoughtful and nice!

Danny: Yeah they are now, but wait til he hits 18. He's gonna go through the Chris Brown Transition (The Crossover).

Tammy: ???

Danny: Yeah he's gonna make a sextape or something, get shunned, and come back with a rated R mixtape and from then on out he's gonna make songs about sex positions, smoking weed, and be in songs featuring lil wayne and busta rhymes.

After Chris Brown beat Rihanna, he wasn't singin With You anymore
by The Groove DJ July 12, 2011
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A group or team of business based resources who exist without a tangible defined purpose but who carve out a requirement for themselves through
1. the insistence that communications go unneccessarily via them at all times
2. the use of constant but manual email forwarding without alteration, thought or value add
person1: do you have a business release transition team?
person2: no, what do they do?
person1: see....they're worse than useless
person2: oh
by worsethanuseless August 10, 2009
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Though the actual translation from Latin is "So goes the glory of the world," a popular spoof translation is "Gloria threw up on the bus Monday." In the same realm as semper ubi sub ubi.
-"What's all this vomit on my seat?"
-"Sic transit Gloria mundi."
by DJSamurai37 April 13, 2011
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A Latin phrase meaning "so passes the glory of the world." The term is Templar-Masonic in origin, and has multiple occult connotations and uses among authors, poets, secret societies, and other intellectual oddballs. Loser Clasical Studies students sometimes use it as a form of farewell or goodbye, mostly to make others feel stupid, as a means of dealing with their own insecurity. Can be used to articulate any emotion
James: Okay Matt, see ya later
Matt: Yeah man, sic transit gloria mundi

Kyle: Matt go fuck yourself, and get out of my house!
Matt: AHH Fuck You! Sic transit gloria mundi Bitches!
by DeMolay June 30, 2005
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