Someone who purposely keeps information to themselves rather than sharing it i.e keeps in in their satchel
Example “does anyone know where the loo is ?, I am desperate?” A satchelist would know where the loo is and purposely not tell you! And then enjoy watching the panic as you try to find one before it’s too late!

Or a another case of satchelism would be where you might say” does anyone know how to make a chicken pie? “ The satchelist would know how to make a chicken pie, and not tell you and take pleasure watching you fail at making one .
by Satchelist January 7, 2022
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A douche mop who continues to be a low level pain in the ass.
kitters53: lol bad call
NoahRC: I liked my odds but I know what you mean
kitters53: because you don't know how to play
NoahRC: you are a complete douche satchel
by NoahRC March 1, 2008
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When you pass out 69ing and wake up with a queef in your face and pink eye
“So I walked in on Chester and he’ll be rocking a queef satchel in the morning.”
by Welcome to college b October 23, 2018
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Jostling someone's satchel is when you really mess with someone's chi; their general vibe. The "satchel" represents all the things they've setup in their personal space and you're just jostling it.
I like John but all he does when he comes over is jostle my satchel.
by Aashe October 5, 2017
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She wasn't shy in showing me her spam satchel
by trisbonky February 28, 2021
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That girl I shagged last night must have been round the block, cos she had a proper baggy spam satchel
by trisbonky February 21, 2021
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