choclate looking lug coming from your ass that stinks
"there is choclate coming out of my ass yeah"
by Aaron March 5, 2005
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a term of disappointment. sort of a non-sweary way to say "fuck!" when something goes wrong.
"my check bounced again. oh, poop!"
by s... June 7, 2005
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a smelly brown thing that you dont want to find in your pants or food.
oh i found this brown lump in my food
by Poopy1 April 18, 2003
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a smelly ugly little thing that is closly related to the chipmonkey (look it up!)
run, poop, run!
by dumpledude1001 September 19, 2003
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The disgusting stuff that comes out of yours ass when you push. It is also eaten by cockroaches. Occasionally little kids eat their own poop.
Mommy: "Billy did you just eat your own poop?"
Billy: "Yes."
Mommy: "Oh."
by yo mama March 30, 2005
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Brown, lumpy, mushy, smelly, cone shaped object that comes right from the butt-y-hole. Sometimes blue, but only if you eat deep blue cotton candy. (And I reccomend you keep it in the toilet.)
Wow I had a biiiig poop last night!
by Zizzy August 21, 2003
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when you say that the shit (as in good) you could replace with poop
by sean March 6, 2005
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