12 definitions by Zizzy

The not so popular but cool member of teen girl squad!
nothing is cool.

What's her face, you can go to a thrift store.
by Zizzy September 27, 2003
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A word that your not supposed to say if your white because the word is derogatory towards black people specifically, technically being racist
My dad: oh, look at the n word
My head: you goddamn republicans
by Zizzy April 14, 2021
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What whats-her-face says when she tries to pose with a possum on her leg.
by Zizzy September 26, 2003
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THE BURNINATOR! he burns peasants and houses. And has a big arm. And he is in an S shape.

He is a dragon-man!
or he is just a DRAGON.
by Zizzy September 27, 2003
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For some reason nickelodeon tries to be "cool" by having a Winizzle.
Winstantly win in the winizzle! X_X
by Zizzy November 20, 2003
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I'm listening to gorillaz' dracula song right now..wiered...
some of us will never sleep again
by Zizzy September 12, 2003
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