Something that you put on your upper lip in a sad attempt to look cool by creating a "mustache."
Wow awesome mustache!!...Thanks I made it...I mean grew it this morning...
by whooperboy December 14, 2004
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a brown, green or yellow colored substance that comes out of your butthole in many different shapes and sizes. Happens after you eat.
Wow! That piece of poop is big!

I laughed so much i pooped in my pants.
by 12345678 May 14, 2005
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when you eat a lot you get cramps and then you have to do this, brown somethings green goo comes out into the toilet.
by spathonk you February 11, 2005
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the breaking of wind
she poops when she walks and I am glad that i am downwind.
by poopyheads July 25, 2011
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the stuff that comes out of your ass when you go to the craper.
by porkchop June 11, 2003
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That icky smelly stuff that comes out of your butt when you take a number two. And I'm not talking about a value meal. It can sometimes contain bits of corn or other bits of undigested food.
It's that brown thing floating in the toilet when you look after taking a big healthy one.
by Anba Bazuro December 23, 2004
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