Noodleing is the event that occurs when one fails at an attempted plank.
Dude, you totally noodled off that basketball net last night, Im not sure what was going through your brain but that was the best display of noodleing I've seen for a while.
by Pelo eleventeen August 28, 2011
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intoxication at a level only achieved through smashing it hard.
i got noodled with nobby!
by whipinator December 3, 2010
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drink containing ethanol; used in the place of alcohal around large audiences or authoritative figures.
Guy 1: Dude! We gon get some noodles up in here tonite!
Guy 2: No way, really man?!
Guy 1: Hell yea we gon get it crunk!
Parent: Noodles??? WTF?
by hey hey its lauren June 6, 2006
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a more offensive and effeminent form of canoodling, noodling often occurs in public and is usually undertaken by older men attempting to take advantage of younger girls. While the perpetrator may not in everday life be a noodle, he often assumes the persona of a noodle in carrying out his noodling.
I saw him noodling with that freshmen all over the dance floor last night.
by Mid-day January 15, 2007
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To take a nap after a long night usually to sleep off a hangover
"yo dude im so hungover i got rip a noodle real quick"
"man i wish i was noodling rather than plowing this cow"
by kman898 November 21, 2009
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/Noodle/ v. To fondle and/or give excessive or extreme pleasure
/Noodle/ n. Your brian; A single piece of pasta; One who is clumsy or gives others aneurysms often
/Noodlie/ a. A way of describing one who could easily give you an aneurysm
Stop being a noodle, Ted.
I am going to noodle you.
You a noodlie young fella, aren't you?
by ZxParadoxZ October 20, 2011
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