
Getting Noodled, the act of Noodling or to get the Noodle is when a male slut practices in the art of fornication.
1: Nick sure Noodled that girl last night
2: She got the Noodle
by Noodle Supporter February 29, 2012
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To spoon a cuckold after having sex with another man ensuring ample man juice 'noodles' onto him from the magicians sleeve in an effort to degrade and cause jealousy.
"The wife noodled me again last night Boris, I feel so shit and worthless"
by Turbo303 February 20, 2014
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intoxication at a level only achieved through smashing it hard.
i got noodled with nobby!
by whipinator December 3, 2010
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The act of getting demoted twice. Wears a razer headset and complains everyday. You'd be considered Noodled
"I just got noodled for spreading noods"
"The act of getting
by noodle gay December 22, 2015
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Verb - When your girlfriend has had too much to drink and can't stand up.
I had to throw my chick on my shoulder and carry her up the stairs cause she noodled on me.
by I spit Urban fire October 23, 2008
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verb, "to noodle" - means to mull over, think about, contemplate, ponder, puzzle over or brain-storm.
1) "Jack, do we have a way to make gold from salt-water, yet?" "I don't think so, Bob. Let me noodle that one for a bit. I'll get back to you!"

2) Christy was struggling with her Powerpoint presentation, so she decided to take a break and noodle it.

3) The physics students were always noodling over one or another silly idea.
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