verb. theatre (live), rigging. Refers to the plane in which the eye of a shouldered eyebolt sits, as compared to the plane of the flat or piece to which it is attached. Shawning an eyebolt This Way refers to making the planes parallel to each other; Shawning an eyebolt That Way conveys that the two planes should be perpindicular.
How are we hanging the France wall?

- Shawn it This Way! Otherwise they'll shred the backdrop!
by rut the younger February 4, 2010
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a guy with a very small penis and eyes
wow that guy is a shawn
by genios November 28, 2019
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Shawn was the best ask Steve's wife.
Hey did you hear about what happened with Shawn and Steve's wife?.I literally creamed myself when they told me...
by Oh shithead December 9, 2019
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Eyebrows that look like Shawn Michaels' eyebrows did in the '90s. They are black, and very thick, usually resulting in a unibrow.
Person 1: "That man over there has Shawn Eyebrows."

Person 2: "Ew, gross!"
by Sbdbenjwgjfg November 10, 2014
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Shawn Hunter is a character from the 90s sitcom boy meets world. He is known for a his bad boy reputation and gorgeous hair.
Shawn Hunter is so hot
by cooldawg69 October 28, 2018
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A thing that could kill a gorilla with the glance of his eyes. A non-human creature that eats steel for

breakfast and kills Navy SEALS for pre-game warmups. Also a defensive end for the University of Baylor.
Shawn Oakman fought a lion before he went on his morning jog.
by ratliffsuckscock January 2, 2015
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