"Science that you're allowed to eat "
-Oh you know bake is like science that you're allowed to eat...-probably a scientist who likes to talk for personal reasons with his favorite radio host
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to use a sunbed to achieve a nice tan
Tom: this sloot yesterday gave me some amazing slobber after she saw my tan!, lets bake again next week my dude
by INBRED RICKY November 5, 2018
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v. (derogatory) to communally interpret and draw connections between disparate information to draw (often pre-decided, absurd, and/or entirely false) conclusions, as is done in conspiracy theorist communities. Often takes place shortly after an event occurs or information is revealed that, to any reasonable person, would immediately disprove the conspiracy theory.

Originated with the QAnon conspiracy theory, whose followers would call themselves “bakers” following “crumbs” of information given to them by a supposed government insider. This self-identification has been largely abandoned, and the term “bake” is now used mainly by critics of such communities.

Information or narratives which have gone through the above process of interpretation can be said to have been “baked”.
Their prediction of doomsday having not come to pass, the followers pre-heated their ovens and prepared to bake an explanation.
by Squalidarity October 11, 2023
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A sexual act in which you shit on your partners chest and then holds them under the covers, like a dutch oven, thus "baking" the louie in the dutch oven.
i gave my girlfriend a baked louie and she LOVED it!!!
by louietheboxer April 3, 2010
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whilst cooking pasta bake, you do the paaaaaaasta bake (shag)
j: hey babe you want some paaaaasta bake?
f: let me make some pasta bake then we can get down to business.
by okayyydokeeeyy June 10, 2020
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A level of high only attained by those who truly smoke. A state of being in which one can physically feel music and visually manifest thought. This is usually accompanied by a sense of security, as if enveloped by a protective clam shell.
3 bong rips and 2 backwoods in, Tim was so clam baked that he could sing with his toes.
by Mitpal December 19, 2018
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