the tiny retard guy, the desperet chick goes to after breaking up with the strong athletic man.
7YL3 the rebound: im getting some
other people: noo you fucking rebound
7YL3 the rebound: awwwww but it's all im going to get
by rachael whorebag March 31, 2008
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The act of returning home to retrieve an accidently-forgotten COVID-19 mask.
"You're back from the store awfully fast!"

"I didn't make it to the store yet. This is just a COVID rebound."
by RobertLovesPi June 26, 2020
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The phenomenon in which two acquaintances/friends, both recently single after the dissolution of a long term relationship, become engaged in a purely sexual relationship. This must occur very shortly after the dissolution of said long term relationship.

This phenomenon is quintessentially mutual and void of strategic action and time ordering of events beyond the fact that both of your past relationships ended around the same time. Put bluntly, you both become single and then bam, one night you just start to hook up.
Person 1: It was really strange. Last night I thought I heard Adam leaving Jen's room.

Person 2: Ya that's kinda weird. They both just broke up with their ex's a couple weeks ago

Person 1: I think we're witnessing the MRS phenomenon

Person 2: Huh?

Person 1: Mutual-rebound-sex
by Elwood Lane January 26, 2013
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When someone breaks up with their partner, and quickly rebounds, subsequently dumping, or being dumped by, the rebound. The person becomes doubly depressed as they didn't properly grieve for the first relationship, so are projecting their feelings onto the rebound break up.
"God, She really needs to get over Stan. They only dated for like three weeks and she's so cut up about it"

"Don't you know, she broke up with her boyfriend of 2 years just before. It's just rebound double depression"
by Doublydepressed September 17, 2009
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A person (guy or girl) who immediately starts dating someone who just out of a serious relationship. This person is usually there on the 'rebound' to fill the void left by the previous significant other.
Liz just broke up with her boyfriend of three years and now Jeff's dating her. He's a pathetic rebound fuck.
by IWasSayingBoourns October 3, 2007
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An act demonstrated by an individual after committing a party foul, in an effort to redeem himself.
After totally cockblocking Brad, Jose party rebounded by going out and buying a full keg for the party with his own money.
by Jonacinto May 8, 2008
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Toilet paper used to diminish the first splash
He knew it was the last roll so he decided to skip the anti rebound paper
by UrbanBanjo. October 30, 2013
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