phrase short for sick narly, must be said in a weird voice, best done by the strausman
Like totally sick nar man like yeah dude
by the fonz April 7, 2005
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This word can mean sexualy confussed.

It could also be used as another random word like meh.
' You're so nee nar'
by Slpendific September 29, 2006
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Can refer to doing any activity on any object. Originally a drunken text message on New Year's Eve.
Shrelp those nars nars bro brah. - OR - Those nars nars aren't going to shrelp themselves.
by Canasty December 2, 2007
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A guy what swung over from pepsi to beer.
He is a Nar-cel!
I'tried to nar-cel but I failed!
by Nar March 13, 2003
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A self-serving, follower-chasing, Instagram-only hobbyist that claims to be an “artist
That’s not an artist, that’s a nar(t)cissist.
by Clist0192 November 8, 2019
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When something is so sketchy it is super sketch, forcing you to bail immediantly or face serious injuries. The nar is derived from nar nar which mean something really serious which was added to implement the serverity.
Dude #1- Dude, did you see the surfing competition yesterday?

Cameron Larson- Ya bra, the waves out there were super sketch bail nar!
by SuSpence May 23, 2010
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a outburst of discontent when someone upsets you.
Oi wat nar!!!!!!

who stole my trainer!!!!!
by smiler2 July 26, 2009
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