The digi-nads in Mexico City are responsible for an increase in rents
by Digi-nad #uno January 9, 2023
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when a situation is wholly unsatisfactory
Guy 1: My girlfriend wanted me to give her a sticky quacker, but I accidentally skruncled and now she won’t text me back.
Guy 2: Man, that’s the nads.
by Scrooge McSkrunc November 24, 2021
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Crab n' nad: having intense anal sex when a crab and squid are present
Crab n' nad:
“Hey bro why did you want to go to the aquarium so bad?”
“Oh I had to try some of that Crab n’ nad”
by LongCrabs March 23, 2019
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Used to express sarcastic excitement ; said with a lisp, and stretching out the m in “my” and the a in “nads”.
Coach: “Jimmy, it’s your turn!”

Jimmy: “My nads!!”

(Mmmyy naaaads!!)
by Mr. Ball Head February 20, 2023
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gee, I sure love the taste of sweaty nads in the morning. especially if their my dads sweaty nads. mmmhm.
by hshshdjpdbdkdhd February 14, 2016
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Mondays are made for Cam and Nad. Cam and Nad days are when Cam and Nad spend the whole day together
ayo I can’t hangout on mondays! that’s cam and nad days
by pussygobbler12344 November 30, 2020
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