Slang term used to describe a car equipped with nitrous oxide.
What do you wanna do with an LS1 on the gun?
by Nasty93 February 12, 2007
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a sort of metal wand that muggles use to kill each other
Muggles were warned that Sirius Black carried a gun after he escaped from the wizard prison Azkaban.
by anonymeese March 13, 2011
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can be used in basketball,describe a person who is a ball hog or shoots a lot
1:a yo mike is a scrub
2:i no he went gun the whole fourth quater
by kizzle August 17, 2004
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A tool designed to cause pain and death from a distance, these tool have replaced closed ranged weapons such as swords, dagger, and spears as the primary weapon for humans
man 1: I have a razor-sharpened katana, i can kill anything!
man 2: I have a gun, i can kill you before you even get close to me
by Mrclean214 May 21, 2011
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something that should have never been invented
that gun killed that little girL! (guns dont kill people... people kill people
by jojo March 24, 2005
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1. a fuckin' awsomely ripped arm (yes there could be 2...)
2. a thing that shoot bullets
1. Did you buy your tickets? ... to what? ... THE GUN SHOW!
2. Danm it yo, i got shot in the leg by a gun.
by Atta' Boy January 1, 2006
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An artilery peice designed to take out people, vehicles, and/or buildings from a large distance. Not, contrary to popular belefe, a firearm.
The general ordered them to take out the barracks, where the enemy where located, with the artilery gun.
by LotharVP June 5, 2010
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