to tell some one to shut up or be quiet.
Shut your gob Allison! i can hear your voice from my room.
by freakin December 30, 2008
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Made popular by the Cartoon Network series, "Adventure Time." Meaning, "Oh my God." Used so children can watch the show and make for some fun puns.
Princess Bubblegum: *Looking possessed and catching the entire room on fire*

Jake: *Running out of room* "Oh my Gob! Oh my Gob! Oh my Gob!"
by Lady Shalott February 16, 2012
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th.ree go.b \'th:r-e c-o-k 'gob-*s\ term. (decrip, fr. phase) 1: a female of an incommodious nature, loud, brash, usually common. An ideal description of D-list Big Brother celeb Jade Goody or shithead TV presenter June Sarpong. 2: a mouth so large it could fit three love truncheons into it 3: see mouthy / gobby.
1: "Err I'm such a fuckin minga arnt i, im just a mauthy caaw int i everyone always said i had a three cock gob" said Jade.
2: "Look at Julia Roberts she's fit but look at the size of her mouth - thats a three cock gob if i've ever seen one!"
by jim December 24, 2004
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Descriptive of a woman with a particularly wide mouth, such as Julia Roberts or Calista Flockhart.
"OK, she's no oil painting, but one look at that three dick gob and I go weak at the knees".
by Zog The Undeniable February 20, 2007
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when air that is caught in your stomach escapes through your mouth and goes *BUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRP!!!!*
it was rank we were eating dinner when he gob farted and wilted the flowers in the middle of the table
by dave April 9, 2003
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work well done
gob is a slang term for job
during a coaches end of season speech: "You worked your hearts out and earned that championship with determination and vigor. Good gob guys."
by supernal December 13, 2005
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