punk ass bitch

Someone who acts like they have your back, but when you really need them they abandon you.
JoJo said he had my back, but when I used my one phone call to ask him to bail me out of jail, that punk ass bitch hung up on me!
by theauthormarkwilkins February 16, 2017
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punk ass bitch

Useless; good for nothing; of little value, importance. Not worth paying attention to.
"And so i tell him to do it, and he just gave me the finger and walked away!"

"Man, Mark is such a punk ass bitch."
by neoprisonr March 5, 2004
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punk ass bitch

Incompetent member of a famous family who relies on others accomplishments for his own fame and fortune.
"George Bush is a punk ass bitch."
"Jeb Bush is a punk ass bitch."
"Ted Kennedy is a punk ass bitch."
by DBaltimore August 20, 2005
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punk ass bitch

Someone who has little value, think the world revolves around him, uses others tragedys to gain personally in their own life
P. Diddy is a real punk ass bitch using Biggie they way he did.

That punk ass BITCH Diddy wouldn't be shit if it weren't for Biggie

That punk ass bitch P Diddy set up Tupac
by Geminimom77 December 20, 2008
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punk ass bitch

One who gained money and/or success through no real work of his own but instead rode on the coattails of other people.
by clarkyb January 7, 2005
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punk ass bitch

Somebody that is totally immature and/or a follower
John and Bhargav are punk ass bitches.
by truth teller December 29, 2004
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punk ass bitch

An Individual of unknown gender/ethnicity who participates in activities such as: ass-clowning, but pirating, computer sales, or even a circle jerk. Although an individual of this description may appear unrefined and illiterate he/she probably has, or is attempting to secure, a Degree in Political Science, with aspirations of attaining a law degree.
This individual usually shows signs of the female pre-menstrual cycle. This may be an indicator of gender, or a large stick lodged in the rectum. "Punk Ass Bitches" show an affinity towards Green cars, usually SUV's. The punk ass bitch is easy to detect due to his/her trendy taste in music. Take note to avoid this citizen at all costs, he/she may try to impose democratic views and dry conversation. He/She may also present a foul odor.
" That punk ass bitch tried to school my ass, but he can't represent"

" Shit! That punk ass bitch that needs to jump on the booty bus and get off in pussy town!"
by wobbleballs March 12, 2004
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