Person 1: ur dAd!!1!1

Person 2: ?????

*person 2 goes on urban dictionary*

Person 2: ; - ;
by Agust D? April 14, 2018
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only the chillest of dudes. any person who hooks you up on the road.
I wanna meet that DAD! I wanna greet that DAD!

by roaddad April 16, 2008
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A mythical creature that disappeared 15 years ago. Only appears during the steamy scenes of movies. When summoned, says, "Hey watchya watching?"
Makes jokes like, "Hey hungry I'm dad."
"Dad, I'm hungry."
"Hi hungry, I'm dad!"
by bee.the.glorious.weedsnack November 12, 2018
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a big fap daddy that caresses you at night
shrek:I am your Dad
little child: oh yes
by sony swag man April 28, 2018
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a description of a female who tends to wear baseball hats and like to wear their shirts overly tucked in with a big belt and flannel to go with it.

Dads tend to have a mature but nonchalant and understanding vibe and personality
That girl is dad goals.
I want that dad to protect and understand the fuck out of me.
by awesomegay February 12, 2018
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White Guy: "Hey my dad is so cool!"
Nigger: "LMAO WHAT'S A DAD?"
by NPKN August 22, 2018
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