A girl who is beautiful inside and out. She is brave and goofy, everyone is either jealous of her or loves her. She deserves the world
Omg, she is such an avery
by Shpingo August 14, 2018
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A dumb minge that does anything for attention; even if it makes people hate them. An Avery will repeatedly test those around them in order to have their attention. (no matter how many times they have been warned)
Mack: "You're an asshat and a complete Avery!"

Jake: "I may be an asshat, but I'm no fucking Avery"
by RealTalk2105 April 3, 2019
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Avery is a whore and will try and get with any guy that wants her unfortunately no one wants her
by Bitch01234 August 23, 2019
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Avery is THE most annoying person ever. If she doesn’t get her way, she’ll wine and wine and wine none fucking stop. She may be pretty, but she is the biggest bitch you’ll ever meet.
Avery? Omfg shes so annoying and rude.
by heyheybitch October 2, 2018
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Avery is a big bitch to Brennan...... AVERY BE NICE🎃
Avery be nice to Brennan
by FUCKBOIUII October 26, 2019
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a person who is sexually attracted to children.
Person 1: Hey, who was that kid walking by?
Person 2: Ew, that's Avery. Stay away from him, he's a pedophile.
by Ryealie February 20, 2019
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Avery is a girl that is confused about a lot. She just wants a guy that is going to love her for who she is. She feels as if she has ruined that for herself though because she is a player. She thinks of her life as a game. The boys are just the pieces. Playing this game with them, helps numb her pain from the past. It distracts her from anything real. She'll never catch real feelings for a guy ever again. She did that once and swears she never will again. So, she just keeps playing.
"Avery just needs someone to show her that they care more about her than about her body."
by Not_His_Anymore November 6, 2018
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