Intentionally farting in an attempt to get someone away from you.
This annoying bitch wouldn't shut the fuck up, so I skunked in hopes that she couldn't tolerate my ass gas and would leave me the hell alone.
by challengersrt8 May 18, 2015
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Skunk is a mix between thrash punk(minor threat) and ska/raggae roots... Bands like Against All Authority
"Im gonna hit up a skunk concert tonight. Wanna come?"
by fallinghalo May 29, 2005
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n., A male skank. Derived from the Looney Toons character Pepe Le Pew, who was a horny skunk and always tried to bag that cat.
The bar is so full of skunks that you could catch herpes from breathing.
by I_am_Jacks_STD August 23, 2010
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blake: "yoo, it's snowing pretty hard out there"

brad: "oh I know, if its not a snow day tomorrow im going to be right skunked! I have two assignments due and an ISP and I haven't even started!"

blake: "hahaha, better get down on your knees and start praying then"
by lil trip ya December 15, 2010
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Being one of looseness; one who smells like sexual intercourse and is irresistable to wiki.
Guy#1: woh! she is a SKUNK!
Guy#2: Yeah, i could show her a good time.
Guy#1 dude, your a wiki.
by michael May 7, 2005
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Someone who thinks and acts like they are much more attractive than they actually are.
"Shit man, look at Jenny... Why would she wear clothes like that when she looks the way she does?"

"I know man... total skunk"
by Cuts Pajamz August 28, 2011
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1. To be overwhelmingly defeated.

2. To lose without scoring any points against the opposing person or team.
Johnny got "skunked" at bumper pool last night and had to order the whole room a pizza as a result.
by Roskalnikov September 10, 2008
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