287 definitions by michael


A person of Native american decendency who renounces all negative connotations attached to the the misnomer American "Indian".
The skinjinz are now reassessing their current circumstance.
by michael March 14, 2003
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n. One with an irrational fear or hatred of Christians. Sometimes practised by people who think they know everything.

We fear what we do not agree with or understand.
Society says it's wrong to be a homophobe but it's okay to be a Christophobe.
by michael January 5, 2004
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by michael February 3, 2005
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A well-known song from Dance Dance Revolution 7th Mix with a 9-foot difficulty. This song's 500-step make-up is in almost complete coincidence with the music. This song requires a good amount of stamina and multiple micro-gallups.
Tip: The steps and the song are almost one, so step to the song and you'll be fine.
by michael April 13, 2004
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the ottawa senators the crappiest hockey team ever which always lose to the toronto maple leafs but still think their better or at elast thtey pretend
1. the maple leafs beat the senaturds again
2. the senaturds choked in teh playoffs again
by michael January 29, 2005
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A girl from a poor litte town called Portland, which is part of Oregon. Her dad is even boy hating psycho who refers to people as "shit heads" and her twin sister is also evil! She on the other hand is rather a nice person.. despite her obsession with everything even containing the word britian, or england, or scotland even? Apart from irn bru, which despite its deliciousness, she does not like!
Also reffered to as "wheetabinx"!
Who is obsessed with Britain?

Why, that would have to be Binx!
by michael April 13, 2005
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a pen to write with on paper
i would like a frindle.
by michael December 9, 2003
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