1. a term of endearment; often use when one person displays excessive concern towards another individual 2.) a term of arrogance used to belittle an hater's hatred towards the person being hated on.
Girl: Hey, you (male) look real nice to today.

Male: You know what you can do?
Girl: What?
Male: GOMYN (Get off my nuts)


Hater: He (Star) always act like he running things.
Star: GOMYN (Get off my nuts)
by JustSay'n September 5, 2011
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to be shocked if you hear something you can say that with no homo
real well just bite my nuts and call me skippy
by beating meat nuting off November 10, 2009
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"Yo check that hottie by the door"
"yeah, I'd drop my nut butter in her pooper"
"real smooth 007"
by Stunts5 March 12, 2008
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Is a term to tell people to fuck off because who wants only one nut especially the left one
by Left nut November 19, 2017
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A way to tell someone that they can go fuck themselves.
Some random idiot: Your friends don't like you. Me: Suck my left nut.
by PhoenixGamer34 April 12, 2021
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something that you say when you want to be provocative (especially if you are a chick) or use as a sarcastic comeback or reply. This expression is similar to kiss my ass and suck my balls
Bob: So Tina, did you like that movie?

Tina: yeah, I though tt was pretty good

Bob: Good? Dude, it completely sucked!

Tina: well you know what jerkface? You can kiss my left nut!
by kohina November 12, 2009
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