<!---Note, there is no "real" definition for metalheads, This is just a general statement.---!>

Alright, metal heads are people who are strongly devoted to listening metal music. They also highly respect other forms of music, except for punk and poser metal(Skipknot, koRn, Nine Inch Nails). They are also open-minded to other genres as long as they see the art in it. The typical genres are death, black, thrash, power, gore, etc...
Tends to be a "Whatever, i don't give a shit to what u think. I'm just comfortable in this." sort of attitude towards clothes.
Band Tee-shirt- a must have, don't have one? you're not metal. Generally is black with the band's logo/name on it
Jeans- normal, typical. ARE NEVER WORN TIGHT, UNLIKE EMO KIDS. Usually accompanied by a black, leather belt.
Hair- Can be of all lenghts. Tends to be longer(shoulder lenght) for death/black metal kids. Hardcore(Hxc) kids usualy prefer shorter hair(shaved, or close to it)
Many metalheads' clothes band tees/hoodies, and tend to be black.
This is sort of stereotypical, but metalheads are usually atheists, reflecting their music's message. Others can be agnostic. However, many are anti-christian, especially black metal listeners...lol.
Metalheads tend to be aggressive when angry and can be good fighters.
Most hate posers, people who listen to Slipknot,KoRn, and other NuMetal bands who call themselves metal.
A metalhead can kick your ass!


Kid: Hey, who're u listening to?
Metal-kid: Cannibal Corpse.
Kid: Oh cool, can i listen?
-the following lines can either be:
A)Metal-kid: umm sure,
Kid- uh what're they saying..u call this music?
Metal-head: Fuck off pussy, you think Greenday is better.
Next the metalkid beats up the other one.
B) Metal-kid: No, fuck off u faggot.
Kid: Please don't kill me!
by skinless October 28, 2006
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A metal fan.
People who call themselves Metalheads usually refuse to believe that anything besides their underground/old music is total shit and unbearable. Innovation is against the metal rules in their book. Of course not all metal heads are like this, but the one who try to stand out as hardasses are. If the band isn't "true" then it's shitty in their eyes. Nu-metal such as System of a Down, Slipknot, and Korn are too weak for them so they call everyone who listens to it "faggots". They usually categorize nu-metal listeners as faggots following the mainstream, yet they still listen to the same shit their "Metal head" dads listened to.

Some new metal is good, some black metal is good, some death metal is good, some of everything is good. Grow the fuck up.

by teh pwnerer lee July 19, 2005
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Someone who thinks the fact that they enjoy metal makes them cool. When really after punk rock and then hardcore music became cliche, and played out, there needed to be a "scene" in place for douche bags to still be able to find each other. There's always emo, but unfortunately emo is fucking gay.
I needed to find a group of fellow douche bags so I went to a metal show to find other metalheads.
by TheREALSpikeMike October 5, 2012
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Metalheads, love heavy metal//hardrock//Other types of music.
A classic metalhead stereotype is that metalheads are satanic, not true. But, some metalheads are satanic. This isnt the worst stereotype out of all the cliques.
Metalheads are also known to add crazy things to their wardrobe ((most people wouldnt even think about doing this. Adding spikes and studs, chains and leather. but, some metalheads do not live up to what other people expect them to look like. For example, people think metalheads are super violent, not entirely true. People think metalheads are not friendly, not entierly tue. I think metalheads are super cool and really sic!!
"dude, that metalhead is super fucking violent, look she's moshing"
by ravenSKULLS July 24, 2016
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Metalhead is a fan of heavy music. Metalheads enjoys metal music and subgenres of metal. They lose they fuc!ing minds at the concerts, enjoys begin in mosh pit and just getting crazy while listening to metal music.

*For me it's a bulshit when someone say "You don;t like this band? Then you're not a Metalhead" NO. If you feel like Metalhead, if you like HEAVY music- I'm not talking about Nickelback- Then you ARE a Metalhead. Even if you like other genre of music, but STILL you listen to the heavy music, then you are a Metalhead. Don't give me a bullshits, that metalcore isn't metal, and people who listen to Limp Bizkit also aren't Metalheads*

Metal music is so expanded. There's a lot of subgenres that are classified as a metal music. And everybody can choisce what genre of metal they like.
I'm a Metalhead. I enjoy Metal music and I'm open for new music.
by DeathTheGirl September 14, 2019
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A Metalhead is simply put,a fag and a pussy who has shitty fucking taste in music.
Metalheads are extreme fags who are stuckup,arrogant,and proud to listen to shitty music.And they are just plain ugly and ignorant.
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When a male receives oral sex from a partner with braces.
Susan was the first girlfriend with braces Bobby had ever head, so metalhead was new to him.
by Dank-420 March 12, 2010
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