When you aren't a vegan
hey riad get it through your helmet... Don't worry, i'm not a vegan
by RiadBonerhead March 21, 2017
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when you almost say no worries when there are worries
person #1: aw hell naw the shadow creature ate your backpack
person #2: i would've said its no worries since i don't go to school anymore but i have a hike next week so yes worries
by aurora yes October 2, 2023
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When a person who doesnt have any absolute relation with you tries to act good in front of your league of legends squad
MasterB10 : Were you sick
MasterB10 : I thought you killed yourself
iraklissid : I dont want your pity worry
by ioannissid February 15, 2018
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1. An emotion describing a conflict between feelings of guilt or apprehension over unfinished work and an intense urge to fuck something.
2. When one is worried or anxious about a sexual situation.
3. An emotional icon or "emoticon" used in online chatting situations.
1. "God, I found this really hot girl passed out in the parking lot, but I have to be at work in 3 hours. I'm a little winky-worried, man."

2. "I dunno, I'm feeling kinda winky-worried that this girl might have AIDs."

3. lol. ;/
by Joe Brown Superman February 4, 2009
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What, me worry? Do I panic? Am I frantic? Unsure? Having a go?
Of course people say they not worried, but that they must worry about other things.
Roller coasters can be fun but hurt when not wanted.
Person 1: So did you read what happened in the news today?
Person 2: What, me worry?
by Enter pen name here. October 19, 2023
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