Maddie is one of the nicest people you will ever meet in your whole entire life. She is extremely pretty, very funny, And lights up any room she walks into. Her personality highly exceeds her. She is athletic, but lazy when she wants to be. Her main sports are Cheer, Volleyball, Basketball. Maddie is always tired, or hungry. She's a big foodie. Maddies tend to be extremely popular and has many guys on her. Maddies attracts most guys that she meets with her looks and bubbly personality. She mainly has guy friends, But if she dates you, you must be very lucky. Maddie is also THICC. She rarely hangs out with girls, She is more relatable to her guy best friends. Maddies are really fun to hang out with at the mall, six flags etc.
GUYS if you come in contact with a Maddie NEVER let her go. she is going to be the best of you will ever have
Amber: OMG Maddie is soooo pretty I wanna be friends with her
Ryan: DUDE that Maddie girl is gonna be mine one day
by Jessethe gameboiiiii November 23, 2018
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Always sings in front of people she feels comfortable with and dances like a fuckin weirdo, but is very loved.
"Hey, who's that motherfucka dancing in the middle of the road?"
"Hmm, must be a Maddie."
by roastchickendinnerdelish December 1, 2018
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A sweet,fun,loving girl who's clumsy loud a little shy but not often artistic,talented loves animals,friends,family,life.
by rands29 June 5, 2019
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If everyone was the same, this world would be pretty dang boring. But with a Maddie by your side I can assure you that we will NEVER abandon you. We will always stick with you. You can tell us anything, we really won't judge. Btw we LOVE hoodies so boys if you know a Maddie then hand that hoodie right over and she'll be yours. We are always VERY good at arguing. If you talk crap about us you will regret it! We'll shove it in your face and show you what its like. One of our most strong attributes is determination. Once we set our mind on something its gonna happen. We are very strong willed and pretty darn stubborn too. One of our biggest weaknesses (Well at least mine) is procrastination. Yup. Getting stuff done sucks. So does waking up and getting out of bed each morning. I don't know about the rest of you but I am late a LOT. I know a few of you Maddies are shy and completely not like what I've said but I hope at least a few of you can relate and like this. Keep on with your perky, bubbly, fun and passionate personalities Maddies!!
by A fellow Maddie. Part 1 April 19, 2022
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The best person you will ever meet! She is super clumsy and always makes you smile! She will always be there to comfort you. She is the funniest person, she is a little loud but always respects peoples boundaries. If you ever become best friends with a Maddie never lose her.
What is wrong with Maddie?
Nothing she just tripped over air.
by Bbbmybffcuzidkwhatscominnext November 3, 2019
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Great friend. Awesome girl who is very funny. She has brown hair and beautiful eyes. She doesn't care what others say about her. She is smoove and never gets caught doing dirty things ;). She gives amazing head and is the best in bed. She is a great friend and an even better lover. She likes to give head. When you find one Maddie don't let her go. She cares about everyone she knows a lot. Maddie's can be your best friend. Once you get close don't lose her. She is the best friend and will tell you what you need to hear. She has nice boobs and loves dick. She means everything she says. Don't take her for granted. Let her show you what good head is like and you will dump your girlfriend. She may not be the prettiest now on the outside but things can change. Take her for who she is just like she takes you for who you are. Love her unconditionally and you can have her all to yourself. She loves black boys. Talk with her, get to know her, and you will fall in love with her personality. The amazing head is just a bonus ;)
"I got the best head last night"
"Dude, it must have been a Maddie"
by BBCheadgame November 29, 2013
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Maddie’s are all around perfect. Beautiful on the outside, and even more so on the inside. It’s impossible not to trust them. Maddie’s are the keepers of everybody’s secrets. Their eyes are big and have sparkles dancing in them, as if they are reflecting the beauty that they see in everything around them. Maddie’s always look on the bright side and try to make you feel better. They won’t backstab you no matter what, but they can be really mean. Only if you do something to one of their friends of course. Maddie’s are great best friends and everybody’s dream girlfriend. Maddie’s are smart, and very sweet. They cry when the dog dies in a movie, and they laugh during awkward moments. Maddie’s always have a bright smile on their face, and they tend to enjoy the little things.
Guy 1: who’s that girl over there?
Guy 2: that’s Maddie
Guy 1: Woah. I’d love to be her man
Guy 2: Yeah get in line..

Girl 1: Maddie is so sweet!
Girl 2: I know! I love her so much
by Milkshakesaregreat December 23, 2017
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