A large, diverse country that culturally is like the UK & America in the 1950's.
A mostly anti intellectual, lazy, vacuous, boozy white population & overly sport obsessed. Sore losers, which is odd because most of its heroes are losers - The ANZACS at Gallipoli, Ned Kelly, Shane Warne.

A high standard of living due mostly to mining - selling iron ore to China which we buy back as cheap junk, thereby burying our own industry.

It has conveniently forgotten most of its ugly history, its Treatment of Aborigines Convicts White Australia Policy.
Australia has an entrenched inferiority complex means it has kowtowed to the UK & now America to defend it & do its thinking for it.
Not a very friendly place as some say, unless you like beer, tits, sport, can't spell & practice self abasement. Suspicious of people with big ideas.
Will turn into more of a gulag as political correctness competes with its racism. A sad place when you get thinking about it.
by Nazarine 59 April 22, 2011
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A fake nation invented by the brits to cover up the mass murder (genocide) of millions of criminals. They made us think that Australia was where the criminals went but they actually went to the bottom of the ocean, They are trying to convince us that they are not cold blooded killers. but now you know the truth. Spread the truth to your friends and family, they definitely wont think you are insane.
Australia is so fucking fake!!!
by AussiesAReGovermentPersonas October 7, 2018
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Australia is a place where every single person is bloody sunburnt and there are more bogans than you can poke a stick at. Lots of venemous snakes and spiders, koalas are the spawn of satan, kangaroos with beat the shit out of you, emus are scary, and cassowaries will fuckin kill you so you better fuckin run cunt.
(Note: I am Australian, and yes I am calling myself an bogan idiot, but ya know, take some ya loose some)
Australia: a country full of stupid people
"When my pommy English teacher moved to Australia, she had a constant sunburn for three months!"
by nonbinary_hoe June 28, 2020
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A place that doesn’t exist. It covers up one of the biggest genocides in human history
:Dave’s from Australia

:No he’s no he’s an actor or a fake person from an island near we’re australia should be but isnts
by sukumum January 19, 2019
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A country full load Insular racists who suffer from the delusion that 'oz' is a 'fair dinkum' place to live. Well known for cheating at cricket, treating the indigenous people disgracefully, accepting immigrants and then also treating them disgracefully, claiming other peoples cultural and artistic acheivements as their own and archaic sounding expressions like 'sheila' and 'cobber'. They possess a unique sense of humour that involves putting down and ridiculing other people, usually non Aussies. Well known for loving a 'barbie, a beer and a punch up'. As for the woman......don't even go there. To use the Australian vernacular, most of the ocker sheilas are as mad as a cut snake, always coming the raw prawn and never giving a bloke a fair crack of the whip.
Australia is a country that thinks it's great but isn't.
by Reality based definitions July 12, 2019
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I am tired of you fools thinking that Australia is a real place. It isn't. Understand? Australia does not exist. Australia is full of actors hired by the nasa.
"My dad went to Australia 27 years ago and never came back..."
by Liam Shackell February 8, 2019
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