Shane Warne

Blonde superstar Australian cricket, greatest leg spinner to have played the game, but famous for doing stupid things like text/s.m.s-ing strippers, dancing like a drunk after wining games, eating backed beans, taking advice off his mom, and knocking over Mike Gatting at the Oval in '93.
by Adam Gilchrist February 11, 2004
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shane warne

An aussie who is a good spin bowler and most kiwis dis-like him. he eats so many baked beans it is not funny!!!
He got caught up in the following things drugs,sex,alchool and excessive ammounts of baked beans causing wait problems.

Mark Richardson caught him out on 99 once very funny.

Also once when maca was smashing him around the park he said loudly "for fucks sakes" the commentators who were aussie didnt no what to say.
by lance kluesener February 27, 2004
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Shane Warne

To have a heart attack. Something Gen Z need to be concerned about with their current health habits.
Holy shit someone had four fuckin Red Bulls and Shane Warned in my math class!
by helloitsunknown August 15, 2022
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