Man I gotta go snap off a number 3 after seeing all those hot bitches at the beach in their T backs.
by CDRSANDOG June 19, 2023
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Wait... The Jewish guy who is better than anyone at CNN... He's going to cite the passage in the bible where God... Tells his followers... To kill all of the men.... And all of the women who have known a man... And to capture all of little girls as spoils...
Hym 😨 "Did he just cite numbers 31!? I mean... You see the irony there, right? Am I the only one who sees it? I am? Oh... Well, no, see... I mean, you SEE the irony there? Number 31? THAT is the passage from the bible you want to quote there? Your entire position was 'Hamas are animals! The Jews would NEVER do the thing that Hamas is doing... Which is murder and kidnap children.... Like in Numbers 31... Where God tells them to do that... And then they do exactly that...' I mean, do you see the irony there? That you chose THAT PASSAGE to quote? You could have chose LITERALLY any other part of the bible! But you chose the 'Murder and kidnapping' part to quote... THERE, like, TODAY... Just now... Wh... Why?"
by Hym Iam October 9, 2023
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"number onee" is a phrase rather than word. It is the international sign of approval amongst dirtbags, scumbags, and disgusting people. When you call someone "number onee" this should be accompanied by a raised arm, closed fist, with your index finger pointed at the person and wagged at them. Now, the phrase does not always need to be accompanied by the gesture and the gesture does not need the phrase to get the point across; they are best used together but are just as sufficiently understood seperatly.
(Ale hits on 13 year old girl; he is 26)
Matt: You're number onee
Ale: Omg thanks man!

(Matt is getting a bj in the woods, Sammy passed by, they make eye contact, Sammy gives Matt the "number onee" gesture, Matt cries one tear of happiness)
by capn caboto September 16, 2014
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A fart number is the number of times you farted in a certain time period
Jack: Hey dude what’s your fart number for today

David: 72
Jack: DANG DUDE, you had some bean burritos yesterday

David: Yep, but mine is nothing compared to Jessica
Jack: What's her fart number

David: 109
Jack: Wow, I’m only at 24
by Your Dude 67 January 22, 2021
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When you’re using your breat pump but forget to screw on the bottles so it leaks on your crotch and when you finally notice you’re sad you’ve lost all the milk so you start crying and pee yourself
Things sleep deprivation lead to: today I started pumping at work but forgot to screw the bottle in. I’ve now officially wet my pants at work... just with milk instead of pee. I got so emotional that I cried and peed myself and made a number 3.1
by DoubleDashes July 12, 2018
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a) learn you multiplication tables by heart
b) pay your taxes on time if you dont want the negative consequences
It's time to learn how to nail your numbers, definition b), if you hope to flap your own wings some day.
by Sexydimma September 12, 2015
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it’s where you forcefully shit your pants until your butt plug falls out onto the ground and then you lick the plug clean until you throw up or cum on your bed.
“*screams*, daddy i shat myself and came at the same time!” cries joe
all because of the number 16.
by poogina666 November 18, 2020
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