The day we all celebrate the millions of people that are part of the spam community. We will also celebrate and honor, iggy azealia, and @spamcouncil on instagram. (spam council is a group of spammers that run the spam community)
oh my god!!! girls and gays, it’s International Spam Community Day!!!”
by xenoclip October 19, 2019
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Proper communication requires at least 2 individuals not one. You have the speaker and the listener/or receiver. Whenever there is confusion, the listener should kindly ask the speaker for clarification and not walk away and blame them for a weak vocabulary, you cannot blame, it's very important that you are an affective listener or misinterpretations can be messy.
Person 1: Hey, I don't understand what you mean by that?

Person 2: Oh, ok, let me explain to you and apologies for any misconceptions.

Improve your communication, it's simple really.
by Speech101 February 21, 2013
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darawiish community are the dhulbahante
its the darawiish community
by readyforthemoon55 July 30, 2020
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Every girl who goes there either becomes a slag or becomes a pick me girl and every boy is a fuck boy or a pedo. Also one of the shittiest schools in Newham because the head teacher doesn't look serious.
"Cumberland Community School is SHITTTT. I mean what community is there!"
by yournansasocialreject101 November 29, 2021
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The late night resident , usually inebriated, who has taken it upon himself to patrol his or her Buildings , units , leasing office amenities, etc.. late at night. Looking for any unusual activity or disturbance such as loud party’s , excessive speed through the parking lots, loud birds , or any other nuisance that he/she deems unacceptable. He brandishes his own swift justice. Unfortunately this only results in his own embarrassment and a hangover of shame when the sun rises
I got really drunk Last night and all Of a sudden turned into stupid ‘Preferred apartment community Batman’ again. I was yelling at the teenagers to turn down their garbage edm music and taking down license plate numbers to give to the cops
by RynothaGyno June 3, 2020
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ssc community refers to reer darawiish
thats the ssc community
by readyforthemoon55 July 13, 2020
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