The "Ace of Spades" guys are men with abnormally highly dimensioned genital parts, thus being compared to a spade.

It's a common expression between women that have an active sexuality and want to proudly speak about their last lover with other alike women, without the topic being too obvious to lower activists in their own sexual life.

This way, some women share with others the details to make their friends jealous, or recommend a specific guy.

At first, it was used only to describe, usually, black men and their specificity, but nowadays with the world mixing in ethnicities, there are a growing number of white men that are equiped alike.
"Hi, Sara. Sylvia told me about her last BF (boyfriend), she said he's an ace of spades."
"Yo, Babe. Ain't your usual dog, am an ace of spades, so be sure what you do..."
by TheHellovaDan December 5, 2018
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If you like to gamble
I tell you, I'm your man
You win some, lose some
It's all the same to me
The pleasure is to play
Makes no difference what you say
I don't share your greed
The only card I need
Is the Ace of Spades
The Ace of Spades
Playing for the high one
Dancing with the devil
Going with the flow
It's all a game to me
Seven or eleven
Snake eyes watching you
Double up or quit
Double stake or split
The Ace of Spades
The Ace of Spades
You know I'm born to lose
And gambling's for fools
But that's the way I like it, baby
I don't want to live forever
And don't forget the joker
Pushing up the ante
I know you got to see me
Read 'em and weep
The dead man's hand again
I see it in your eyes
Take one look and die
The only thing you see
You know it's gonna be
The Ace of Spades
The Ace of Spades, uh
by Death Menace April 23, 2023
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Ace is a card or a nickname of a beautiful/handsome person.
"Oh wow ace is very cute today! " "Yes I agree. " Or

"Ace is gay. " "Yes yes they are! "
"Dang it I only have 1 ace of spades!" "HAHA."
by Heroi February 10, 2021
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A total spaz who basically rapes anyone who messes with him. Also is very bitchy.
Ace Reborn was mad at me so he took a switchblade out and castrated me.
by joe0101010 October 24, 2011
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GOD THEYRE SO HANDSOME- LIKE AHH BEST FRIEND EVER- If you have them in your life you have no idea how damn lucky you are theyve always been there for me and im happy knowing i know them. <3
Ace/Achilles :) is very caring
by adoretori January 27, 2022
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