The misspelling of "Stop It". The letter "R" is extremely close to the letter "T" on a keyboard and was accidentally pushed.
Haha OMG stop ir!!

"Haha OMG stop It!!"
by OMGUDIEDTOO May 3, 2018
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When you stop at a gas station primarily for directions, but get gas as well, even though you don't really need it at the moment
"I was totally lost so I made a gask stop, even though I had half a tank"
by Auður April 18, 2006
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one stop shoppe is another term for whore
whole town used the one stop shoppe
by sanxity July 3, 2019
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(verb): to shut up and and stop engaging in meaningless and useless philosophical discussions.
boy a) Arthur why are wasting your time doing a bachelors Degree at Concordia University?

Arthur: because I don't have the bloody grades to do, lol, anything else and don't know what else to do with my life. At least, unlike you, Max, I am not in trade school and therefore receiving some form of education.

Max: that's what our government actually wants losers like you to think, that they are getting an education. Now listen up, kid: "Stop blabbering about life and the purpose of education and go to trade school, like me; you'll make something out of yourself.
by Sexydimma May 20, 2012
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