when someone is super perfect or gets an 100 percent on a test
bro that guy with OCD is ace-perfect
by skaterj666 November 11, 2010
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What your dad tells you growing up, when you fail so bad and that’s his way of recognizing your dumb or clumsy mistake.
*Kid knocks over water at restaurant.
Dad: “Way to go, Ace…”
by The Danvil July 7, 2023
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Slang Italian definition, an ancient lenguage ancestor of the Italian, it litteraly means "and you who talks like that what do you want from me?? Go kill yourself breathing gas!"

Slang italiano, deriva da un dialetto antico, significa letteralmente "e tu che parli così cosa vuoi da me? Fai una cosa e vatti ad uccidere con il gas!"
-Hey, could you please send me your homework?

-E ka ti parl d acs da me c ve cercand Fo na cos vatt ad acck pu gas
by StckyFingah November 22, 2021
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A talented Instagram author who posts personal stories as well as his original work sorta ugly but a fun guy to be around
I hear that Ace Camacho is blowing up on Instagram.
by Ace Camacho April 23, 2021
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Jim Carrey's lesser-known super-sleuth character who locates classic snub-nosed GMC camper-style people-carriers dat have been stolen.
After Ace Ventura locates a missing pet, he sometimes calls on his crime-fighting counterpart in da motor-vehicle world, Ace Vandura, to bring a mode of transportation to convey said re-captured wayward animal back to its owner. (He almost needed to do this summoning of alternate wheels in da beginning of da first "Pet Detective" movie, when his own early-'70's jalopy suffered from vapor-lock and he was being assaulted by da fury-crazed dude with da baseball bat; fortunately, said cantankerous sedan did indeed roar to life just in da nick of time, and so Ace was able to roar off unscathed --- well, to his own body, dat is --- there were of course da smashed windscreens and a few dents in his car.)
by QuacksO January 21, 2023
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stimming from the group of people who originally used this term to spread awareness of the people who have autism being quite obnoxious and toxic this refers to a human who is "acing" the embodiment of a low functioning autistic individual who cannot function in society or is acting like a person with down-syndrome.
look at the kid over there he clearly is acing autism isn't he?
by she' the forsaken April 17, 2021
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