A girl who if you shout her name everyone turns around and questions my ex? eeveryone knows her and she's slept with everyone she Also smells like seafood
Oh god i think I smell storm....just another maine slut
by Poppinghandler July 28, 2017
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Tea slut (tē slət)

A form of slut who always wants tea, rather than always wanting to initiate in sex.

A tea slut is a person who when presented with a cup of tea, would love said cup of tea. And they will always want tea.
If a tea slut is asked if they would like a cup of tea, they would naturally agree to said cup of tea because a tea slut would always want a cup of tea.
Are you offering tea to somebody else and they refuse the cup of tea, then a tea slut would want that cup of tea. They always want a cup of tea. You shouldn't force a person who doesn't like tea, to drink tea. A tea slut would drink that tea. They would always want their cup of tea. Don't make anybody drink tea. Tea sluts would drink it for them.

If a person did want tea, but then didn't. Dont force tea into them or get mad because they didn't drink your tea. Just give a tea slut said tea.
And if you offer tea and a tea slut is unconscious then wake them up. They will want that tea. And if a tea slut said yes to a cup of tea, but by the time it took to boil water and brew the tea your tea slut fell asleep; wake them up. They want that that tea because, they alsways want a cup of tea.
And if a tea slut said yes to tea at your place last Saturday then that means that they would like teawhenever you make it. Because, they would always want a cup of tea.

Source and origin: Youtube, "Tea Slut - Consent Parody" by pew36
Lucas: "Oi, George. Ya know Paul? He is like the biggest tea slut ever you know?"

George: "Oi, ye mate. He drank every cup a gave him... Kept asking for more and stuff..."
by Admiral Gial Ackbar January 5, 2019
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A girl who dresses completely not her age , dates people not her age , has eyebrows thicker then Kylie Jenner , with fake nails longer then my exes dick , wearing legit a tissue
tina did u see what the fuck she’s wearing

roxy ew her eyebrows thooo what a to the eye slut
by Tehlia November 4, 2019
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Not to be confused with "dirty slut". This type of slut annihilates all hope for humanity.
Joe: "Bro, that slam was a fucking

dirt slut, she went ass-to-mouth.

Jack: "No, dude, I have an ex that snorted a line of cum off a table for some coke once".
by Beer for my horses August 20, 2013
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The act of not having sexual relations unless you are serious about a person. Unlike bring sell-a-bent, you have sexual relations but the moment must be right
Kim's new outlook on life is slut negative
by The main butch December 10, 2015
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To sexually arouse someone enough that he/she acts like a slut esp. on a first date.

To ho a bitch out.
Guy 1 "Dude I completely slutted out Mary Jane last night"

Guy 2 "Mary Jane from bible study ?"

Guy 1 "Yeah I went around the world on her and I think she was a virgin !"
by Profsnlbum November 8, 2013
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-The act of being a woman in a state of semi-nudity, not wearing any bra or panties, while wearing a man’s t-shirt.
I could not contain my raging boner because my girl was t-slutting around the apartment again.
by Bananaslug3 July 19, 2010
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