The hotness factor of a female is enhanced because she plays professional or collegiate sports
Danica Patrick is sports hot but if she worked at Home Depot she would be alright.
by T-Silb March 15, 2013
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A person who ruins the fun or the enthusiasm of others.
"Come on, let's go to your cousin's party tonight and have some fun!"
"No, it won't be fun, and my cousin is NOT cute"
"Aw, don't be such a spoil sport!"
by sosso November 3, 2008
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the condition of raw irritation, soreness, chafing, or bleeding from one or both nipples caused by sports related activities.
1. Oscar had a severe case of sports nipple after surfing.

2. Harriet recieved a sports nipple infection from running without a sports bra.
by Grant K. May 6, 2010
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A term of endearment used by gentlemen in the 20th century. Made famous for its use in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby
Jay: Having a good time, old sport?

Nick: Maybe another drink

Jay: Anything you want, old sport, it’s yours
by KnightofNerdom June 24, 2019
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One who takes excessive joy in watching any of the offerings of ESPN. These people would prefer watching mindless repetitive droning about irrelevant sports nonsense over more interesting channels such as The Science Channel, The History Channel, or any other cable channel providing any information that may be useful in any way.
I went to the gym today and all 10 TVs were on ESPN. God I wish those sports troglodytes would at least sacrifice one of their precious TVs so we could at least watch something blow up on the history channel?
by uuth September 29, 2010
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A game on the Nintendo wii where you will always get beaten by a black guy named Matt he is undefeated and in some cases praised as lord
“I was playing wii sports earlier and I ran into Matt the messiah”.
by Gayguymans72 January 31, 2019
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