Giving an angry handy-j and forcing the man to cum all over himself.
Tori was angry that Chad spread rumors about her being a lesbian so, like a true whore, she gave Chad a good shotgunning.
by Mr Tumnus 12345 September 22, 2010
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calling the passanger's seat of the car.
~shot gun must be called so all can hear
~shot gun is called for one way of a trip
~shot gun cant be called inside a building, only on the way to the car.
~shotgun can be followed with "no joust" otherwise it can be jousted and recalled again.
~shotgun is automatically given to a person who is the only one with directions to the destination(unless they decline)
~if the drivers spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner is attending the ride they are automatically given shotgun unless they decline
~if the driver wishes to entertain themself then they can enforce the rule that the passengers wanting shotgun must fight for it.
~driver has say over all
passenger 1~"Shotgun!" passenger 2~"Shotgun no joust" Driver~"Passenger 2 jousted your shotgun he gets it"

All passengers~"SHOT GUN!" driver~"Fight it out, first one to draw blood gets it"
by jenmittzr February 24, 2007
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right before you are about to blow your load you cock your dick along with a cocking noise and spooge all over the face.
Dude: oh baby... baby baby... baby..... baby...chick chick! ahhh.(spooge)

Girl: What was that?
Dude: The Shotgun!
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1. The front passenger seat of a vehicle.

2. "Shotgun _____" is called when a person wishes to lay claim to an object or to perform an action that several people wish perform that only one person can perform. After "shotgun ____" is called, an opponent may say "shamble" in an attempt to gain control of the shotgunned object/ action. In order to prevent the shotgunned object/ action from being shambled, the original shotgunner may say "shotgun _____, no shambles" making it so the desired object/ action cannot be shambled. However, if the original shotgunner neglects to add "no shambles" to the end of the shotgunning phrase, the original shotgunner and the challenger must compete in a best 2 of 3 game of rock paper scissors. This decides the final winner of desired object/ action. Shotguns that have been shambled cannot be shambled for again.
See also: shotnot
1. If Tommy wouldn't have sat shotgun, he would not have been impaled by that telephone pole when the car crashed. Poor Tommy.

2. a) -Shotgun the tv!
-Damn, I should have said "no shambles". Now I'm gonna miss my soaps.
b)-shotgun eating the last piece of cake, no shambles!
-fine, i didn't really want it anyway *cries*
by Disc September 7, 2006
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It is when you have a large load built up and you blast it all over a bitch's face. It by definition needs a good spread pattern
The other day whilst cuming on a bitch's face, James and David exclaimed, "We are shotguning this bitch"
by Rimmyjob December 16, 2006
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Who ever calls this first gets seconds on the joint (Usually the roller lights it). Can also apply to cigarettes.
I call shotgun on that spliff.
by Brigitte... July 24, 2006
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When an individual rapidly switches out the sizes of their plugs; when an individual sits through multiple cartilage piercings in one go.
1) Jeremy just shotgunned the shit out of his ears; he went from 10g to 4g in less than two weeks.

2) A: "Did you hear about how Laurie got four piercings in her upper left ear and three in her right?"
B: "She went shotgunning?"
by KeleGrey February 23, 2011
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