A term coined for people who have reached a placebo-like experience in which a individual or group identify themselves with a heightened level of moral superiority and intelligence.

It is also similar to a cult/religion in thinking; however, “WOKE” thinking leaves users with a feeling of anxiety, depression, frustration, discomfort with political opposition, and a feeling of utter loneliness/helplessness because they can’t change the world overnight and feel as though they can’t do anything.
You honestly have no idea what you’re talking about, trump and his administration are literally raping the symbol of justice and everything this country represents. #woke af
by heres_a_new1 May 19, 2019
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A deeper or more thorough understanding of surfacelevel concept or idea
He was woke asf.
by Mousemouse November 15, 2018
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To be amazing or super hype/live.
1.) Yo, this party at Anthony's is woke! You should come, everyone's lit!

2.) Stay woke!
by Frankie3478 January 1, 2017
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A person who is extremely religious/spiritual, gullible, paranoid, and delusional. Often trying to oppose their crazy end of the world conspiracies or just plain nonsensical ideologies to hopefully another gullible person. However, they all think their beliefs are real and will happen, even though they fail every single time.
"The anti-christ is coming, stay woke look to jesus. #444 #777" or "stop sleeping and stay woke. #444 #777" or "The dajjal is coming stay woke"
by Zopdoz October 7, 2020
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The awareness and by extension, ability to form an opinion on, the socio-economic conditions that shape the lives of your country's populous. That itself being of class, culture and race.
by pingas4u February 13, 2020
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To be "woke" is to come into the realization of systematic social and political injustice that is still prevalent in today's society. And once this enlightenment is reached, this person should show this through their actions, i.e. protesting, political involvement, community engagement, ect.

Also meaning, that if you see someone being victimized through racism, sexism, or bigotry, you should take a stand IN THAT MOMENT and help to put an end to the confrontation. By asking the aggressor to leave and if that doesn't happen, and the victim is still being abused by this person. Then it's within your rights to protect the victim by putting the racist jerk on his / her ass.
Rodrick - I can't believe the shear number of police shootings of unarmed black men and woman over the past two years!

Dewight - Rodrick, it's unfortunate but, white people have been killing our black brothers and sisters from the moment they first came down from Northern Europe and realized that they were new comer to this world. (circa 740AD) From that point the so-called "white" people of this world (earth) have been faking it until they can make it. But "whites" don't realize that no one believes that B.S. of a show, G.O.T. on HBO and black people never bought that reality show, that they call the British Monarchy. Also Rodrick, if you know any Western Europeans tell them bitches they all still owe us rent money for that land she and her people still living on, and tell them we coming to collect.

And to the people saying that the term "Woke" is not grammatically correct and that we should be using "awake". You should know that regardless of that grammar error, You should know that regardless of that the consciousness is there and we are not going anywhere, If we see racist aggression you will be "CHECKED" and you'll wind up getting exposed for the fascist you are.
by Euro-Refugee February 12, 2018
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To be "woke" is to come into the realization of the systematic social and political injustice that is still prevalent in today's society. And once this enlightenment is reached, this person should show this through their actions. E.g. protesting, political involvement, community engagement, ect.

Also meaning that if you see someone being the victim of racism, sexism, or bigotry, you should take a stand in that moment and help to put an end to that confrontation. By asking the aggressor to leave and if that doesn't work, and the victim is still being abused by this person. Then it's within your rights to protect the victim and put the racist jerk on their ass.
Rodrick - I can't believe the shear number of police shootings of unarmed black men and woman over the past two years!

Dewight - Rodrick, it's unfortunate but, white people have been killing our black brothers and sisters from the moment they first came down the icy regions of Northern Europe realizing that they were new comers to this world. (circa 740AD)

From that point, so-called "white" people have been faking it until they can make it. But "whites" don't realize that no one believes that B.S. of a show, G.O.T. on HBO and black people never bought that reality show, that they call the British Monarchy. Also Rodrick, if you know any Western Europeans tell them bitches they ALL still owe us RENT MONEY for the land she and her people are still living on today, tell them we're coming to collect.

And to the people saying that the term "Woke" is not grammatically correct and that we should be using "awake." You should know that regardless of the grammatical error, that the consciousness is there and we aren't going anywhere and if we see racist aggression "CHECKED IT" and exposed them for the fascist they are.
by Euro-Refugee February 12, 2018
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