A disgusting, offensive, and extremely derogatory word equivalent to the word Nigger to Anime and Manga fans. It is a word usually punishable via Castration or Boiling in extra hot oil testicles first. It has since even lost it's original definition, and is often misspelled weaboo by ignorant idiots who just want to make themselves look cool and be derogatory and hateful towards others.

The original definition is/was anyone who isn't from Japan whom is so obsessed with it's culture that it gets to the point where it's all they think and talk about. They usually (but not always) Cosplay, attend Anime Conventions, try to speak Japanese even though they're not Japanese, and own tons of Anime Blurays/Manga and their rooms look like they haven't gotten laid in 20 years.

Nothing wrong with this, imho but that's what the word means. If you're going to use such a disgusting and derogatory word, at least make sure you fully understand it's definition,spell it right, and GET A FUCKING LIFE! The socially acceptable non derogatory word form for this is Otaku or Anime Nerd.

How's it's used today:

Anybody who watches Anime or reads Manga or even likes anything out of the ordinary is a weeaboo or Japanophile. Even if they only watch it for entertainment and don't overly obsess about it. Or sometimes, they're called a weeaboo and don't even watch Anime or read Manga. Go Figure.
Person 1: Weaboo!
Person 2: Call me a Weeaboo one more fucking time... and it's spelled Weeaboo by the way.
Person 1: Weaboo!
Person 2,3,4,5,6,7,8: *Beats the shit out of Person 1*
by NeostarCM January 5, 2014
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A word filter for the image board 4chan.org that replaces the word wapanese. Originates arbitrarily from a Perry Bible Fellowship comic strip wherein a man was paddled by a crowd chanting "Weeaboo! Weeaboo!"
"Those Wapanese kids think Japan is so great."
"Those weeaboo kids think Japan is so great."
by Mike Yarram August 29, 2005
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1. Any self-proclaiming anime fan who alienates themselve from their own society and assimilate into the Japanese culture from which they know little-to-none about; using their so-called anime knowledge as a guide, which destined them to ultimate failure in assimilation. 2. A special breed of anime fans who put Japan on a pedastol and prefer them over any other countries in terms of multimedia, courtship, etc... (E.g. prefer Japanese/Asian sprouses, prefer J-music > Amer. music, wanna live and die Japan, etc...) As far as anime goes, they know only little. For example, the average weeaboo knows only americanized anime; preferly uncut with jap. audio and eng. subs ( E.g. Naruto, DBZ, Bleach, Haruhi Suziyama, Lucky Star, etc...) and memorized every japanese song from their favorite shows.

Note: Anybody who watches some anime and reads manga are not weeaboos. Those who go over-broaded with their anime, hentai, and pocky obsession are.
A classic example of a weeaboo's presence on the net, this unknown 16-year-old girl's rant about Miyavi:

OMG! I loooove Miyavi!!!
FYI - all you haters - I saved ALL these pictures!!!

...so hot, so fine, so sexy, so cute, so funny...*dies*

note that Weeaboo love over-using common japanese word/phrases, like kawaii, desu, and aishiteru accompanied by a exclamation mark.
by skylar85100 June 27, 2009
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Originally a fictional game from a webcomic name the Perry Bible Fellowship, where one person would say weeaboo and get slapped on the ass with a paddle. This was later adopted as a meme on 4chan when moot got offended by prevailing anti-Wapanese sentiment on /b/. This just gave the /b/tards a new word to insult the wapanese. It is now a derogatory phrase used to insult animu fans who act like faggots on the internets.
A weeaboo can be found on Gaia Online, your schools anime club, or 4chan.org.
by Ninja337 January 3, 2007
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A person who is obsessed or addicted to not only anime but also loves everything about Japan like ramen, sushi, tatami sheets etc. As a result, they try to act as if they were Japanese themselves, even though they don't know much. They usually end up pronouncing the words/phrases incorrectly and can get very annoying especially when the person weeaboos approach are English and Japanese.
My friend from another school is a weeaboo. She says "OKA-SAN, OKA-SAN, BAKA, KAWAII" and I barely understand her. Like wat?
by K-Len Senpai July 13, 2015
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