2 definitions by K-Len Senpai

A person who is obsessed or addicted to not only anime but also loves everything about Japan like ramen, sushi, tatami sheets etc. As a result, they try to act as if they were Japanese themselves, even though they don't know much. They usually end up pronouncing the words/phrases incorrectly and can get very annoying especially when the person weeaboos approach are English and Japanese.
My friend from another school is a weeaboo. She says "OKA-SAN, OKA-SAN, BAKA, KAWAII" and I barely understand her. Like wat?
by K-Len Senpai July 13, 2015
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The virus that turns all asian boys into white girls. But the girls still have their dicks.
OMG, she's a futa! She's has a kaylene virus. Retreat! Retreat!
by K-Len Senpai March 9, 2016
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