A person in the background that draw attention from the main subject
Look at "that guy" in the background of this picture grabbing his balls
by J- sus January 9, 2006
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A respectful but informal greeting to a man. A term used to show acknowledge to a man which is casual as is using the word "sir or mister" which is formal.
As Tom sees his buddy Jim at the bar, he greets him by saying "Hey guy, what's up?"

As Tom sees his boss at a meeting, he says "Good morning sir" instead of "guy" because "sir" is more formal.
by all sportsman December 20, 2009
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Punch-line for one of the greatest jokes ever.
What's got 2 thumbs & Loves blowjobs...?
* Whip thumbs out, pointing toward self *
Yell in a strong voice... " THIS GUY!!! "
Approach a down-lookin chick at the Bar in a Nonchalant manner & deliver the question...
.... pause for bewildered look
" THIS GUY!!!! " *pimp-ass smile *
- Walk out back & get your dick sucked.

Can also be used without the entry line to people in on the joke ...
Example... Talon says: ' Hey look who just got here! '
Kyle: " It's THIS GUY!!! "

by Talon F November 14, 2006
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Someone who shows up at a party with a guitar in a pitiful effort to attract the opposite sex.
"Donovan put the damn thing away, your being that guy again."
by TheLuciferEffect January 30, 2009
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someone who does something that is impressive and over the top making you feel impressed but also frustrated because you cant do it, all at the same time its really cool.
You: dang, look at this, hes making a hand drill out of two pieces of wood and hand made rope

Me: this guy

You: i know right!
by joshaua tolly November 29, 2016
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a person that is awkwardly left out, has friends, or is not really noticed, but has friends.
that guy Karanvir and my other friends, but i forgot who Karanvir is,even though he is my friend.
by that guy karanvir April 20, 2016
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Common polish greeting phrase usually designed to get peoples attention, but ends up annoying everyone
Guy: Guys
....*10min later
Did you see this bass guitar video
by BattambangGirls July 10, 2018
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