High riders are breasts that are positioned significantly higher up than average on the female chest without requiring any support to do so. The exact opposite of two tennis balls in a pair of panty-hose.
Did you see the high riders on that waitress?

Weird...one stripper has hangers but the other has high riders.

by Lou_III December 22, 2006
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A term for the euphoric surge of desire felt when witnessing a perfect pair of thick thighs. The term is multi-gender but is usually reserved for women's thighs which, objectively, are the best thighs.
Friend: Why are you being so vague and un-engaging?
Witness: *shudders* Cause that Rhianna got me thigh-high man.
by Edalpo June 6, 2019
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Ironic: A person who is inept. Used in place of the person's name. Heavy military useage.
Hey there, high speed, why didn't you do twenty push-ups like I told you to?

He's so high speed he'd trip over his own two feet.
by Ayame Emaya September 10, 2006
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that moment late at night when you cant sleep and all you do is do stupid things.
Girl: Lalalala lala la la lalala.
Boy: what is wrong with you?
Girl:I dont know I cant sleep.
Boy: oh, so your sleep high.
by breezy8111 May 25, 2012
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A school with ALL the stereotypical teenagers. Douchebags, sluts, nerds, rednecks, wiggers, teachers pets, and surprise, a small pool of relatively normal kids. Also, the dress code is ridiculous, wearing a skirt to school and not getting dress code , is about as rare as a polar bear riding a chupacabra.
Fivay high school is a melting pot of all kinds of different people.
by RebeccaWhite April 27, 2012
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Drunk High is basically being high off alcohol and everything is funny like when you're high.
Man, last night we we're all laughing because we were on a drunk high
by Contagious high July 14, 2009
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Nambour high is a drug f**cked school, full of sluts, drunks and bongers, i go there and trust me everyone in it is pathetic. girls skirts are so shirt you can see their ass cheeks, people walk around with cigarettes because they think they are cool, they all attend parties and get blind drunk and end up getting fingered. it is so bad.
god they're disgusting. they must be from nambour high.
by istillloveyoumywhore August 17, 2011
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