A surface object to represent the power struggle that was the Civil War, as all wars are really power struggles.
The Civil War wasn't about Confederate statues any more than it was about slavery, but if certain people are listened to and taken seriously, you would think it was.
by The Original Agahnim July 23, 2021
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One somebody throws a fit to get what they want. They will eventually stop when they realize nobody will pay attention to them OR they will not receive desired thing by throwing a fit. Commonly witnessed by healthcare professionals.
Patient in bed B is in status dramaticus because she wants a turkey sandwhich, taxi voucher, and warm blankets to go. She’s been discharged an hour ago and refuses to leave.
by Nursie93 January 13, 2019
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Status jumping is a skill used by many facebookers to prevent a creeper from creepin on ones facebook. The status jumper starts a conversation on one status and then continues it on another status making creepers confused.
Facebooker #1 writes on status 1: hey guyz what time we going to movies tonight?
Creeper: 'yesss what time are you going to the movies tonight'
Status jumping Facebooker #2 writes on different status: 9 PM facebooker.
by BookFacee July 2, 2010
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Fan Status is a perceived standing in reference to a rock band or professional sports team. The achievement of fan status is defined by a willingness to perform oral sex (or other sexual acts up to and including intercourse) with the members of the band or team.
She had bragged about her fan status but Kelly really proved it on the tour bus last night!
by JousterIII May 30, 2021
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Smooth, cool, awesome, too legit too quit, fly beyond belief, pulling off what others cant
"Man, you are so fly, how do you do it"

"Just living Slick Status"
by Hollywood JAmes June 11, 2012
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Something so incredulous or amazing that the greatness of the act, situation, joke, or statement can only be described as "Whammy Bar Status"

Not to be confused with "wammy bar"
"That back flip, hand spring, twister, double double tuck was totally Whammy Bar Status!"

by Amazingiest Person Ever March 18, 2009
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Someone on MySpace or Facebook whose status is always about the same thing or event. They are extremely annoying and truth be told, their friends skip over their status' because its always the same crap.
Ugh...she's such a status-repeater. Her status' are always about the exact same thing. Ex: I am so lucky and I have an awesome life.
by Mr. M&M January 14, 2011
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